The Center (Yankton Senior Center)
Description: The mission of The Center (Yankton Senior Center) is to respond to the ever-changing needs of all adults and their families, provide opportunities and resources in the area of physical and mental health, nutrition, recreation, education, and to positively affect quality of life and assist in maintaining independence. Services offered are SHIINE, AARP Foundation Tax Aide, Scoop It Program, cell phone for travel, building rental, and equipment rental.
Nutritious Home-Cooked Lunch
Monday (2 meals)...
Service: Congregate Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Meals, Meals - CG, Meals - W, Nutrition Education, Senior Centers, Under 60 Ineligibles, Under 60 Staff
Address: 900 Whiting Drive, Yankton, SD 57078
Phone: (605) 665-4685