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Personal Care Services

Services which consist of 'hands on' assistance provided to an individual in the performance of self care tasks including dressing, personal hygiene and grooming, and bathing.

Physical Therapy

(PT) Is needed if a patient has suffered an injury or illness which has affected motor skills or function. The physical therapy program may consist of evaluation, therapeutic exercises, gait training, adaptive equipment recommendations, massage, heat, cold or electrical treatments, all geared toward helping the patient attain his/her maximum functional motor potential. Typically, this service is considered skilled care.

Plan of Care

A written document signed by the physician or other licensed health professional. It outlines the prescribed care that is to be given to the patient.

Private Duty Nursing

Nursing services provided in the home or in a facility exclusively to an individual primarily for observation and support and requiring a minimal degree of skilled interventions.

Prosthetic Devices

Mechanical devices adapted to reproduce the form, and as far as possible, the function, of a lost or absent member. An example would be an artificial arm or leg.

Protection Order

An order restraining an individual from contact with another individual. See South Dakota Codified Law (SDCL) 25-10-1 and SDCL 25-10-7.1

Psychiatric Nursing

Provided by nurses specifically trained and experienced in psychiatry. It includes observations and interventions related to the patients behavior, social interactions, and administration of medications, as well as instructions about these medications and their side effects.

Psychological/Emotional Abuse

Threats, harassment, intimidation, humiliation or ridicule that adversely impacts another's emotional well being or is characterized by behavioral change or physical symptoms.