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Level of Care

Criteria based methodology of assigning an individual based on the intensity of services and supports required.

Live in

A non-relative living in the patients home who provides assistance as requested by the patient.

Living Will

A written document containing a person's instructions about their health care wishes that is used when the person is unable to communicate those wishes. It instructs the doctor and other health care professionals under which circumstances the person wants life sustaining treatment to be provided, withheld, or withdrawn. A Living Will contains end-of-life decisions.

Long Term Care

Services provided for an extended period of time to patients of all ages with severe chronic diseases or disabilities involving substantial functional impairment. Long Term Care can range from skilled medical care to personal assistance with activities of daily living.

Long Term Home Care

Services and equipment provided in the home for an extended period of time to patients of all ages with severe chronic diseases or disabilities involving substantial functional impairment. Long-term home care can be a substitute for placement in a skilled nursing facility.