Services at the Senior Center:
Daily Nutrition meals served five days a week through the "Area IV Senior Nutrition" of Aberdeen.
Anna Schwartz, Nutrition Director
Phone: 605-472-0155
Director’s hours 8 am – 2 pm Monday - Friday
Eating at the Sr. Center or Home Delivery Call by
9:30 am to reserve your meal. (See Senior Center Activity Calendar for Menus. Menus are subject to change.)
Suggested Donation:
- Age 60 and over $4.00
- Under 60 $7.50
Home delivery is available to Shut-Ins, contact Nutrition Director Rose Letzow, 605-472-0155.
Volunteers are always needed to help with home deliveries. Please contact the Nutrition Director.
Fund Support Cards are available for Donations to the Daily Nutrition program
Meal tickets are also available and make great Christmas and Birthday gifts.
Programs Offered:
Whist Card Parties
Pinochle daily
Fund Raisers
Special Parties
Information and Referrals
Health & Educational Programs
Transit Center as well.