Home delivered meals are offered in the city of Centerville SD.
To sign up for Home Delivered Meals or for questions about the meal service in Centerville call 605-563-2251 and talk with Kristin.
Anyone 60 years of age or over, as well as their spouse or dependent adult who resides at home with the participant are eligible for the nutrition program. Persons under 60 years of age may participate at full cost of the meal or by calling the Department of Social Services at 605-367-5444 or the toll free number of Dakota at Home at 1-833-663-9673.
Funding for Senior Meals is a joint effort between federal and state governments, community support and participant donations.
Persons over the age of 60 are asked to contribute as much as they feel they can afford towards the cost of the meal. The average donation is $5 per meal.
Persons under the age of 60 pay the full cost of the meal which is $7.95