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Vermillion Community Food Pantry
Description: Vermillion Food Pantry is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that strives to relieve hunger and increase self-sufficiency for those in need in Clay County, SD. The Vermillion Food Pantry (1) coordinates access to food and other supplies at a time of critical need, and (2) provides 7-10 days worth of supplies to low-income or moderate-income individuals and families (at or below 185% of the federal poverty level) of Clay County, South Dakota, regardless of race, sex, age, or religious creed. To...
Services: Food Bank/Pantry
Address: 9 Court Street
Community Connection Center, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 658-0118

Department of Social Services - Vermillion
Description: Services provided: - Child Protection Services, Intake number: 877.244.0864 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Service: Benefits Assistance, Information & Referral
Address: 114 Market Street
Suite 102, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 677-6800

Domestic Violence Safe Options Services
Description: Provides temporary emergency safe house, clothing, educational materials, crisis counseling and advocacy to victims, survivors and family members. Interpersonal violence of all types, human trafficking and sexual assault.
Services: Family Violence
Address: PO Box 144, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 624-5311

Clay County Veterans Service Office
Description: Our office assists to advise claimants in their pursuit of benefits from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and state agencies. Duties include studying and explaining state and federal veterans legislation, regulations and procedures, consulting with medical care providers, preparing and filing veterans benefit claims, and consulting with other government agencies to ensure veterans are receiving the maximum level of assistance and benefits to which they are entitled.
Service: Veteran Services
Address: 211 W. Main Street #203, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 677-7145

Clay County - Planning & Zoning/Veterans/Welfare
Description: The Agency provides a variety of social services: - Assistance with medical bills for individuals and households with income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. - Assistance with funeral expenses if family unable to pay. Eligibility: Must be a resident of Clay County; Income at or below 100% of federal poverty guidelines. - Assist Veterans with questions and paperwork for Veterans Administration benefits. Works with the SD Department of Veteran Affairs. Eligibility:...
Services: Veteran Services
Address: 211 W Main St. Suite 203, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 677-7145

Vermillion Public Transit
Description: Public transit service. All vehicles are accessible. Self-payment is accepted. This system serves the community of Vermillion and its surrounding area, with seven buses providing nearly 400 different customers with more than 5,000 rides per month. For routes, schedules and more, call 605-624-RIDE.
Service: Transportation-Nonmed
Address: 1314 E. Cherry Street, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 624-4419

Vermillion Housing And Redevelopment Commission
Description: HUD Section 8 Choice Housing Voucher, assisting low income families and individuals with rent, payments, and assistance. All services are free, an appointment is recommended. Those that qualify have low and very low income. Includes families, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.
Services: Housing, Authorities
Address: 25 Center Street, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 677-7191

Parkwood Apartments
Description: 1- and 2-bedroom apartments Property Notes: - Pets: No Pets - Utilities Included: Sewer, Water, Garbage, Utility Allowance. Resident Pays: Electric - School Districts: Vermillion School District - Rental Assistance may be available. - Units are available with features accessible for persons with disabilities. Please call the site for specifics.
Service: Housing Search Assistance
Address: 1215 Madison Street, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 929-5895

Sesdac Day Services
Description: Sesdac provides day services to those who have not yet successfully gained permanent employment. These services are designed to increase quality of life, hone social and vocational skills, encourage movement, and improve cognitive development and sensory integration. Day Services can be the stepping stone needed to lead to fulfilling and rewarding employment – and help develop much needed confidence and self-esteem.
Services: Adult Day Services
Address: 1314 E. Cherry Street, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 624-4419

Riverwood Apartments
Description: 1-2 bedroom apartments Property Amenities Daycare Near By Laundry Facilities Storage Space Non-Smoking Property Playground Picnic Area Parking Available Property Notes: Pets: No Pets Utilities Included: Sewer, Water, Garbage, Utility Allowance. Resident Pays: Electric School Districts: Vermillion Rental Assistance may be available. Units are available with features accessible for persons with disabilities. Please call the site for specifics. Costello Management
Service: Housing for the Disabled, Housing, Subsidized
Address: 1125 Madison Street, Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 929-5895

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